Operations Analytics

Operations Analytics consolidates data from heterogeneous sources to provide actionable performance intelligence in near real time. It provides full visibility of delays and how they are being managed, with early warnings and interactive dashboards.

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Web Dashboards and Reports

Inform all relevant personal using simple visual dashboards and KPIs

View on desktop and mobile devices

Visualise and Trend KPIs, month-on-month or week-on-week

View by Aircraft Type, Aircraft, Captain, City Pair and Flight

Filter Selected View by Aircraft Type

Alerts and scheduled report distribution

Self-Service Analytics

Enable power users to data-mine and analyze the data in Rainmakers Operations Analytics Cube using off-the-shelf tools such as Excel, R and Tableau

Give users the facility to explore the data and drill-down for answers to important questions

Provide a single version of the truth for internal, external and regulatory reporting

Custom Report Building and Alerts

Create and distribute custom reports using the embedded report builder tool

Configure alerts based on specific events or KPIs exceeding defined thresholds

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